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Old 01-04-2009, 05:53 AM
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rocketlily rocketlily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 568
rocketlily is on a distinguished road

I have used this method 3 times in the past year and it always seems to work. I cut a plastic water bottle in half, throw away the top and poke a few holes in the bottom so it doesn't float. The in the bottle put in some Mysis, nori and anything else that might entice the little begger. I then lean it up against a rock that I think he might be in, giving him a nice easy path to the food. Once he goes down for the food he can't climb up.

Sometimes it only takes a few minutes after lights out, other times it has taken a couple of nights.

Good luck. I know that they can be very annoying to say the least.
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