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Old 12-31-2008, 12:04 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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I now see the vendor rating being discussed has been removed...

Interesting to learn that Seamazter was not likely a paying customer, but still had a "vendor experience". I Agree the rating system is not perfect but there has to be some type of criteria for leaving feedback to keep the vendor fedback forum reputable and free of spam.

Regarding what may be considered being "short" via email, yes this can happen from time to time. While I am sure many that email me are aware, these are essentially frags from my personal system. I have a full-time job, am renovating my basement, have a new mustang.................and am also married. While I attempt to reply to all emails in a timely manner, sometimes other competing priorities come first.

While I will be the first to admit that 9 out of 10 emails do not turn into an order, I treat all emails the same and do my best to reply ASAP. You could compare electronic customer service to shopping at a local store, sometime the store is really busy and you are not going to get the customer service you were looking for. Other times, during times when there is less going on, well you are more likely to get the service you require. Bad this is via email, you can not see the other customers/priorities waiting for service!

Sorry if I created extra work for members or staff - I am just a little passionate about my products and process. Perhaps a couple more posts here then I can close the thread. Thanks. Dave @ wicked
I'm out.