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Old 12-26-2008, 05:29 AM
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ShrimSkin ShrimSkin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
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ShrimSkin is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
Thank you so much for the reply. I am freaking out a little since it seems whatever I do is a failure. She is such a nice fish and is always swimming around where I happen to be. She was terrified when she came home, and laid flat under a rock in the rockwall. I have added a Sohal tang since she came, so she is not the new kid on the block, and the Sohal keeps to himself. She doesn't get bullied or dominated by any other fish.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that she eats since she is getting so skinny. She is grazing on the hair algae but there is not enough for her in reality.

Thanks for letting me know. It is appreciated a great deal.

When I brought my Naso home it also didn't eat. But after about a week of soaking with garlic and the Naso seeing the other fish in the tank go after the food it now will not stop eating. Once you get it started tangs are eating and pooping machines!! Just stay patient, keep feeding with the variety you are using, oh and I have yet to meet a fish that wouldn't take cyclopeeze grab some if you can fish love this stuff.
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