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Old 12-23-2008, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by baker_jeff View Post
I thought of building something low profile but wide, and bought the acrylic to build the box, but it was pretty hard to break a clean sheet that wide, with 1/4 acrylic. I'm now considering running a common HOB filter, with a bulkhead in the bottom to drain to a sump/bucket. The problem is then getting the water back up, what if the pump is more powerful than what is draining, can I restrict it's flow without issues? I'm just worried about keeping the draining and the pumping back to the tank even. Don't want any spills!

Well, I grabbed a die grinder at work today and it cuts the acrylic efficiently. Will give this box a go and see how things work out. I have limited space above my tank already, not sure what I'm going to do about lighting. I have a 24" T5 HO I could use, but it will be longer than the 18" box I'm building.
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