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Old 12-08-2008, 09:34 PM
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Keri Keri is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
Posts: 963
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Congrats! My clowns just started laying eggs as well, it's really cool. Just wait until days 5, 6 and 7 when you see the tiny eyeballs inside the eggs!! I have looked a little into raising the fry but an unable to find a reasonably-close source for a rotifer culture plus am currently unable to commit that kind of time!

Post some pics?

To answer the poster above me (to the best of my abilities)

1) My clowns are between 2.5-3" or so and have grown considerably since I got them 11 months or so ago and they have just begun to spawn but I have heard of cases where the pair is several years old before they decide to spawn. (or not at all)

2) An anemone is not required, a surrogate or none at all is fine. (I believe in the commercial setups spawning occurs in a fairly bare tank with a flower pot or tile to lay eggs on)

3) The larger one would be the female, yes

Hope that helps! (I'm no expert but I've been doing a lot of reading lately)
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