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Old 12-05-2008, 04:41 PM
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Floop70 Floop70 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Lloydminster, Alberta
Posts: 76
Floop70 is on a distinguished road

Thanks for sharing. Even your two year knew what kind of fish that was... too funny.

Originally Posted by iansfishy View Post
So here in the puddle (WL) we have but one crappy salt tank in the pet store here. There are a couple people with tanks, but I know of only one other household besides my own that actually "care" about our tanks. That being said and talking to the girls at said pet store, other reefers in town really think they are unique in that they are the only ones with salt water tanks.
So today I am at the pet store returning a oceanic ballast that the owner wanted me to test on one of my 14G bio cube tanks to see if it worked. As im looking at their tank with my 2 and a half year old daughter, this women starts talking to me about the beautiful fish and corals that where in this tank. ( anthelia- that i had given them, bleached - if you can believe it GSP, a scrawny yellow tang, a arc eye hawk, couple of damsels and some crabs,snails oh and the ever present perc.) me not saying a word ,this wonderful women proceeds to tell me that she has this "huge" 75 gallon salt tank and it is really amazing and something to see. She then proceeds to inform me, my two year old, my wife and the young lady at the pet store that she would just love to take home the nice yellow "angel" fish as soon as the small "ich" spots on both sides of its tail are gone. On second thought she will take it because it was the only one of its species in the tank therefore it will not be able to "pass" the "ich on. for those not following it is a tang and she is looking at the caudel spines!! This women keeps saying "angel" fish and my daughter being a little abrassive and ornry (she is two!) keeps muttering something under her breath, until she finally very sternly says to the lady "TANG". no word of a lie. my wife just about wet her pants, and the lady not realizing what just happened shrugged it off. For those of you still with me theres more--. The young lady working there comes back with a net and a bag and tells this very nice women that this particular fish will like to eat letuce and is fond of dried seaweed. "thats ridiculous, who ever heard of putting those things in your tank, that will just mess up your water, if your working here you need to get your stuff straight before you go selling stuff to people". At this point my wife ushered me off and went back to save the poor girl. Two year old - 1. "experienced" fishkeeper- 0.! LOOOOONG story short-- the fish is still there, and my two typing fingers are tired!
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