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Old 12-04-2008, 01:35 AM
auratus auratus is offline
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auratus is on a distinguished road
Default suitable fish and corals for a biocube 14?

im going to be setting up a biocube 14 after x-mas and was wondering what corals are going to work other then mushrooms, and zoos,

i was looking at GSP at the lfs today they look sweet i was wondering if they can thrive with the stock BC 14 lighting

i know i can only really do softies with the BC's lighting

im a pretty big noob at corals and salt water in general so if anyone could name a few corals that would work so i can do some research on them

and for stocking would a firefish and a pair of clowns or a couple green chromis (2 or 3) and a shimp/goby pair work?

or any recommendations on beginner salt fish

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