Thread: Vertex Skimmers
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Old 11-05-2008, 05:59 PM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 631
Slick Fork is on a distinguished road

Just got my "IN-180" in the mail this morning and will now be late for work from setting it up!

Keri already posted some dry pictures so I won't bore you guys with 2 rounds of dry shots but I'll give you my initial impressions and maybe snap some shots tonight after it's been running for 7 or 8 hours.

My first thought is that it feels like a heavy duty, solid product. The pump is a resun King something or other rated at 1000gph with a power consumption of 70watts. I may bite the bullet and buy a killawatt meter to find out just how much it is actually consuming.

Setup was fairly easy, my only complaint with setup is that there is no picture. There was an instruction to "setup wedge pipe assembly" which consisted of maybe 4 or 5 pieces of PVC. Not a big deal as it took me all of 30 seconds to look up a picture online and go "aha". That was actually the longest part of the setup (turning on the computer). Otherwise I had it installed in about 15 minutes from opening the box and laying everything out.

Started up without any hickups, pump is DEAD silent. The loudest part of the whole assembly is the air intake which whistles a little. Bubbles are much smaller then they were in my tunze 9010 and it's obviously pulling a TON of air through it.

Last edited by Slick Fork; 11-05-2008 at 11:22 PM.
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