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Old 03-10-2002, 09:09 PM
Acro Acro is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 495
Acro is on a distinguished road
Default And in this corner....


I have many different sps's touching others. Many with different results. Some just stop growth in each others direction, others kill the weaker of the two.Some will put out calcariuos growth to shade the other.Mostly just stopping growth in that area after a short war. Some of the strongest are A.Millepora, Hydnopora's and also some table type acro's. I tend to mostly experment with them and watch them closely I have never lost anything do to nemocyst wars. That being said the hydno is not one to test with as it will do the most damage. I don't know if just let them grow is the right approach as I'm sure a system would get very messy. The other concern is polution created from these localized wars at to high of numbers for your system to handle.Perhaps a unneccassary concern but none the less a concern. With nice size pieces your more able to test as the frag type peice has little to lose before it's a goner. These are just some of my experiences. It's kind of a newer area of concern as not to long ago we all struggled just to keep these beautiful creatures alive.


[ 10 March 2002, 17:16: Message edited by: Jamie Cross ]
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