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Old 10-15-2008, 10:38 PM
Trigger Man Trigger Man is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 802
Trigger Man is on a distinguished road

I'm on three joices with a 5 foot tank on the second floor. The tank was custom made so it is a little over 125 gallons and I have a sump that has around 23 gallons of water in it. I was worried so i did place a sheet of plywood under the stand and then some rug to cover it for looks. I believe I could of gone atleast 160 main tank but was worried about wieght. One quick thing to check is what type of floor joice's are they, if it is a newer home then they are probably I- joices and hold more wieght. From the research I checked out when building my tank, I was told by many that each I- joice can carry atleast 800 pounds. As well if the tank is near the wall and not dead center in the room the tank can be a bit bigger.
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