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Old 10-09-2008, 07:47 PM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
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As you can clearly see from my post no other brand was referred to specifically as there are so many out there and I have absolute no interest in these sort of discussions. My only mention was of fauna products, with accurate information. I have zero interest in getting involved in debates on which system is best and will not get drawn into such pointless battles, I believe in positivity only.

Both Claudes and my posts were highlighting some miss conceptions of the product and how it is used which we both are entitled to do, and of course the benefits of using the system. Normally we do not get involved in open forum discussions, only when we feel posts are slightly miss leading or inaccurate, as it is for the consumer to report on not us.

As it seems a subject you are quite fired up about I feel it is best nothing further is said from me to stay positive and peaceful and welcome you any time to try the system if you so choose.

It is clear you are a great fan of ZeoVit which your thread is solely based around promoting which is great, maybe you stock the range also??? I am pleased the system works for you as i am sure it does for many others. But what works for one may not work for another and it is for the consumer to decide. What our job is to do is clear any miss conceptions of our product range, give accurate information when asked in a positive way not putting the sytem against others, and highlight its very effective results irrelvant of other systems on the market as it is the Ultra Lith system that is of interest to us not other systems.

We as a company will only ever talk about the benefits of the Fauna Marin Ultra Lith system and will never get dragged into these sort of his product is better than your product pointless battles that only fuels friction. Yes there is competition in the market and I believe that is a good thing it gives consumer choice and that is great for the buying public.

Nothing further to add. But I have a sneeky suspicion this thread is set to run

Best wishes

Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 10-09-2008 at 08:13 PM.
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