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Old 09-24-2008, 01:32 AM
Stab_Master_Arson's Avatar
Stab_Master_Arson Stab_Master_Arson is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Pitt Meadows BC
Posts: 109
Stab_Master_Arson is on a distinguished road

I guess a perfect example would be live rock. If people can make their rock stretch and save 4 pounds, they have enough extra to spend on livestock. This will make aquascaping more difficult and people talents will have to be exercised.
System: 30 gal, various soft and LPS coral. 3 powerheads, 96 watt light, backpack skimmer and a 1/13 HP cooler, running overtime. 1 anorexic Fuzzy Lionfish.
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