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Old 08-12-2008, 11:55 PM
seanoman seanoman is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chilliwack
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seanoman is on a distinguished road
Default Any Suggestions?? HELP!

On Sunday night we purchased a new tang for our tank. It was labelled as a Dussumier, which we have been trying to find for quite some time regardless, we took it home. After acclimating it, we put it into the tank. All the lights were out when it went in, so it had all the room to swim around without other fish bugging it. The next day, when we looked at it, it looked stressed out, I think our regal had to do its regular initiation. Later in the day, when I fed the fish, It started to eat right away, everything was looking good. The regal was letting it eat the food and wasn't chasing it away. Today when we got home, we found the tang laying against some rocks breathing very heavily. It wont move out of that spot and I dont want to disrupt it either by going in the tank and stressing it out more. Any suggestions, or is all I can do is just wait it out and see what happens.

Oh yeah it is a juvenile about 1.5" - 2"
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