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Old 08-05-2008, 06:22 PM
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noirsphynx noirsphynx is offline
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Originally Posted by Stab_Master_Arson View Post
If you get the smallest and cheapest this and that, you will want to upgrade shortly (and I mean shortly) after that and the money will be spent in vain. the problem comes into play when you say "I was a 10 gallon system" and you buy a filter, skimmer, lighting all around this. 2 months down the road, you learn more and you want..more. Now you are upgrading to a 70 gallon system and you wasted 600 bucks on nano reef equipment. Be very SURE that you will be satisfied for a while with your initial purchase. I know I wasn't. I upgraded everything several times.

Trust me, you will enter the phase of "i want a _____" and it will not fit in your current tank even if you crammed it in with a plunger. You will find yourself blowing twice as much as you had to to get that "______".
I completely agree. I'm new into salt too. I purchased my 1st salty tank, a 24g plug-n-play(now have wellllll over $1000 into it) in April and I've already upgrade to a 90g(not even stocked yet) but a already thinking larger, lol.
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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