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Old 08-03-2008, 03:08 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Default A human response question

Ok, so my wife and I were having a discussion this morning about the horrific tragedy on the Greyhound bus the other day. There was a lot of discussion in online forums and local news about how passengers reacted. With all the people[37] on the bus nobody tried to disarm the attacker. There are a lot of people pointing fingers at them and I am curious, How does everybody else feel or think they would have reacted. It is always easy to point fingers but given the facts at hand,{ie: at night, people sleeping and dark}, did the passengers do the right thing or not{in your opinion}. I personally dont think there is a right or wrong answer as it really goes with your beliefs regarding how you feel you would or would not react.I am sure there will be a lot of bravado and lots saying they would have tried to disarm the attacker, but I want everybody to think about how you would react coming out of a sleep or whether you were awake, when you hear people screaming to get off the bus, about the human response to a situation that is putting people in harms way. Unless you are a police officer or have military training it might be very difficult for the average person to comprehend fully about what action to take. I hope I am not going against any Canreef policies with this is not intended to justify or condemn any action that was or was not taken.
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