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Old 07-28-2008, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Mik_101 View Post
1-for my tank system how many bulbs should I go with 4,6,8?
You want 2 bulbs for every 6 inches, front to back. Ie: 12" tank, 4 bulbs. 18" tank, 6 bulbs. 24" tank, 8 bulbs. You can save some money by buying a fixture that doesn't cover the eurobrace. You'll lose most of the light through the salt covered glass anyways.
2-will my growth plumit or go up?
Your growth might be the same, might go up. Depends on previous placement of corals. (explain in next one)
3-advantages and disitvantages of t5's?
MH lighting will have some very bright "hot spots" directly under the bulbs and will dim away further from the bulb. T5's are even all the way across. T5 colour is amazing with some of the new bulbs coming out. MH is a real workhorse. There's a new article on advanced aquarist showing that a bulb on a magnetic ballast still has the same PAR 13 months later (but it draws more electricity). MH's have shimmer lines. MH's are perfect for lighting square, 2'x2' or 3'x3' areas with more recent reflectors. T5's are good for odd tank shapes (ie: narrow tanks).
4-how long should they be on daily?
i'd say same as your halides
5-will I lose color?
if you have sufficient actinics or fiji purples you will GAIN colour almost instantly.
6-do all the bulbs go on and off at the same time?
depends on the fixture
7-witch is the best fixture.
best bang for the buck is the tek fixture. Best fixture period is something like the ATI with active cooling but it's very $$$
8-witch bulbs to use/configuration?(aquablue...)
I love the new 50/50 combination of Korallen Zucht Fiji purple and New Generation. Good PAR and amazing colour. Just amazing colour. Colour depends on both phosphorescing AND reflectivity, depending on the coral. I think 50/50 Fiji Purple and New Generation does the best.

the ones I am considering are the following few.
don't bother. They have shared reflectors, cutting your light in half. won't compete with your MH lighting at all

(if it comes in 36")
not bad. beware that these aren't "meant for aquariums." You may end up with corrosion damage and a possibly safety hazard

(if 4 is sufficent)
this one has individual reflectors so it should output lighting properly. it also has active cooling so it could possibly be a PAR monster. Make sure this thing's at least 6" from the water surface or you'll bleach most of your coral.

Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.

Last edited by kwirky; 07-28-2008 at 03:46 PM.
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