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Old 03-22-2003, 04:58 AM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Ocean Aquatics, Ladner, B.C.
Posts: 650
zulu_principle is on a distinguished road

Just my two cents,

Having a " right to know the origin of fish", not a god given right, but as a consumer you can demand anything you want as ultimately you purchase the product.

"Assumption as to where fish are from if they dont tell you is Indo/Philli", not the first one I would draw, but if the fish dies fairly quickly after purchase from an experienced salt water individual, maybe. As an aside, im sure I read somewhere that a local vet in Tsawwassen, Hoff who is well regarded at the aquarium will do testing after death.....

As for the confidentiallty of documents, if you are like Big Als in Richmond that proposes that all fish are non-cyanide caught then you should be able to back up your advertising. Otherwise buyer beware.

The business side of this hobby is a fact of life, there are many niches and low cost provider may not be suitable for all hobbiest, maybe the cream of the crop as at deepblue is more suitable, others with more experience can drive arround and look at many different retailers or wholesalers to "pick" their own fish.

My last point is "does the retailer really know where the fish is from", some of the confusion comes from staff who are not trained to deal on a retail level with experienced people or just dont know. Other comes from the wholesaler who packs their shipments in incorrectly marked boxes (sure )

Maybe some of the wholesalers can tell us what the retailers require and what they provide ?

What is it that the wholesaler provides to this equation thats not passed on the the retail customer to alleviate this concern and confusion for the hobbiest.

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