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Old 03-22-2003, 04:18 AM
Posts: n/a

As I said in my little rant, if a customer asks where a fish came from, I simply tell them. Its really very easy. If you didnt want to belive me or another store owner, then you really shouldnt be shopping at that business. As for invoices, well alot of fish in this hobby, fresh and saltwater, come from the phillipines/indo, boxes are reused many times and from what I know of alot of B.C. stores, alot of stores get their fish from a large wholesaler where you can get one shipment of fish that contains a fish from every part of the world known to man. Not many retail stores order direct from the source of livestock as the min orders are very high and a store dosent have enough tanks to house a single min shipment. What the box says that the fish came in means nothing, its a piece of cardboard that protects a styro box which holds little living jewels.(Fish,coral,inverts,plants.) As for what an invoice says on it, well it can really say anything the invoicer want it to, you probably dont want to hear this but alot of the companies that pump out the larger numbers of cynide caught fish, well they have the most stickers, stamps, and seals that guarantee net caught fish. As someone previously mentioned earlier in this thread, this is a business that relies alot on trust between business aquantiences, when I order from a suplier I can see the quality of their product and therfore order from them again, the same way hobbiests should deal with their LFS. My earlier rant touched more on the invoice money side, but at the same time my customer should trust me if I can contuinally provide top quality livestock at a decent price point. If you come to me saying that you dont belive me where the fish come from and want to see an invoice then I will most definitally take it as a direct insult. You are essentially calling me a liar to my face. Personally my livestock speaks for itself! As someone else mentioned earlier similar fish have very different prices, as I try to cater to a high end customer I only purchase high end fish and therefore pay a high end price and I most definatley pass that high end price to my customer. What my invoices say are my business, where fish come from is everybodys business.
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