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Old 03-22-2003, 12:13 AM
Posts: n/a

Well I just saw this thread and figured Id add my 2 cents...
This rant is based on personal experience from the business side of reefing.
As I mostly bring in higher end fish, I have alot of customers that want to know where the fish come from and what the capture method was. I tell them where the fish is from and how it was caught(to the best of my knowledge) Its really that simple, they ask, I tell... As for showing Any customer one of my purchase invoices, Hell No!!!!!!!!!! I have actually had a customer come over and ask to see my invoices because he said that he didnt want me to be making too much money off of him... I told him that as a special service, he could purchase anything he wanted at a min of 600% markup. No customer has the right to know what you purchased something at, so you can sell it as a service to put food on your table. "Yeah, Id like the lobster with the 6oz sirloin steak, Yeah Ill have the baked potato with chives please." "Oh what do you purchase your steak for when you buy it by hundreds of pounds? I know Im only buying 6oz but hey I figure you should carge me cost+mabey 10%, I think thats fair. And the lobster, yeah I know my aunt May in Nova Scotia gets them real big ones for a couple bucks each so yeah Id be willing to pay say $3.50 for the lobster portion. Yeah it sounds pretty absurd, but If you came to my store and asked me to show you my invoice, Id look at you like you just walked out of the loonie bin. And if your request persisted into a demand, I would let you know where the door is and let you know that my life would be alot better if I never heard from you again. I understand peoples concern with getting quality livestock, so find a store that looks like they have quality and then keep buying from them and support them so they can maintain that quality. So many times i see long time reefers that know where the quality stores are but they go hunting for livestock at the less than par stores looking for a deal and then they complain unceasingly about the poor quality livestock that died or made their whole tank sick. STAY AWAY FROM STORES THAT HAVE CRAP PRODUCT!!!!!!!! If you keep supporting them they just keep bringing in more sub par livestock. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL STORE THAT CARRIES BETTER PRODUCT FOR A HIGHER PRICE!!!!!!!!!! There is a very good reason that they charge a little more for some things. And it is alot cheaper in the end. On a final note, dont ever ask to see my invoice, my business, not yours!!!
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