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Old 03-21-2003, 08:49 PM
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naesco naesco is offline
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There is obvious misunderstanding from my post so let me clarify it.
Here is what I am saying.

If we are buying a tang, angel or trigger which are species known to be from the Phillippines and Indonesia we should be asking the following.
1. What is the country of origin of that tang or angel or trigger.
If the answer is Fiji and we trust the LFS or online store. We can walk out with our treasure knowing we do not have a cyanide fish.

If for any reason we suspect that it is not Fiji (Reef Raf said the box had the Phillippines written on it as an example) or they say they don't know we should ask to see the evidence of the origin of the fish.
If the LFS refuses we can assume that it is from the Phillippines or Indonesia.

This is not a business confidentiality issue at all.

This is the issue for all reefers. Cyanide not only kills fish it destroys the reef. Do you want to be part of a hobby that is responsible for this?
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