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Old 06-09-2008, 06:33 AM
tharkema tharkema is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Jasper, AB
Posts: 37
tharkema is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Run as quickly as you can from the LFS that sold you a damsal to cycle your tank.
Deal with one of the reputable online sellers or from a reputable store in Edmonton.
Above all get your advice here, before making your next purchase.
Thank you
Naesco - I appreciate your advice and the LFS (Blueworld Aquariums from my dealings and what I have red in the forums here... they are reputable store) gave me the fish for free... and can give back when I add any other fish to the aquarium... I understand your concern with the damsel but just want to make sure I am not missing anything as your post didn't really explain what was wrong with the damsel and my situation. (I understand this fish will not work well with any other fish in the aquarium.... and I am not planning to have it when I add other fish to it - was there another concern that I am missing about the damsel?)

Myka - thank you very much for giving more areas to research these snails. When I am back at home I will do some more research - unfortunately I am away on business trip for over a week and wife is looking after the tank. (Will relay what I find to her). After doing some research tonite I am 95% sure that I do not have the pyramidal type snails... from the look I think I have collonista snails. Can't wait to get home and verify my findings.

Again thanks to everyone for the help they have provided

Last edited by tharkema; 06-09-2008 at 07:33 AM.
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