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Old 06-04-2008, 04:39 AM
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sharuq1 sharuq1 is offline
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Location: Red Deer, Alberta
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We don't really spend much time in the living room, so noise isn't a huge issue. I would like it as quiet as I can get it, but a bit of noise is ok. A huge flushing gurgle all the time...not so ok, lol.

Sooo...looks like my idea for the upturned pipe deals might work. Would I be better off doing it like in #1 or #2? I know the advantage of having two lines incase one gets clogged, but it is simpler to do just the one. Opinions?

Does anyone know how they managed to get the upturned pipe overflows at Golds as quiet as they are? Just adjusting or bigger pipes or...??

Having seen your post Tony I will consider the overflow idea. I am just scared to do that sort of thing. I also considered the horizontal overflow prior to this but decided it was just too fugly for the living room, despite being a good idea.

Anyone else have any comments on how I should change it to make it better? Please say so
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