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Old 03-12-2003, 06:42 AM
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Pansy-Paws Pansy-Paws is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Delta, B.C.
Posts: 125
Pansy-Paws is on a distinguished road

Neasco, maybe Ididn't make myself clear. When I buy a fish, I always asked where it was shipped from. I am not scared to do this and I always get an answer. If the cost is too high IMO, then I'll haggle. If the LFS wants to bring out an invoice to prove what they paid, that's ok with me, but not necessary (and no one has ever volunteered to do this).

Most of us must have had the 'typical' conservation about cost: "Gee Jim, $79 is a bit much for a chromi, don't you think?" and Jim will say "They are rare as can be and I had to pay $60 for them myself" (please smile at my example) Doesn't matter because I have a price in mind that I'm willing to pay -- I'm not trying to stiff the LFS -- just see if a price I'm comfortable with is workable. Sometimes they'll bring their price down, sometimes not. Also, at the point, where I'm thinking about buying I already done some research re prices locally and about the fish in general.

Guess I just didn't see the point in sorta assuming that reputable LFSs were misrepresenting themselves -- hey, but what do I know -- maybe you are right. But lets hope not. And it has nothing to do with being scared or Pansy -- it's just that I like to be a 'buyer beware' purchaser who nevertheless assumes the best about the people I deal with until I am convinced differently.

Back to the original problem . . . we tried the hatched BBS and still no luck. Keep your fins crossed for us.

p.s. Reef Raf -- keep us informed on your experiment LOL
- Lyle

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29 gallon nano-tank
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