Thread: Tax Freedom Day
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Old 04-24-2008, 09:14 PM
pinhead pinhead is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 104
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The tax freedom day information comes from the Fraser Institute.

They have definite opinion on the role of government and taxes.

From their web site:
"Canadian Tax Rates
Canada’s tax rates, both personal and business, continue to hinder economic progress and competitiveness. This is because they discourage the very productive behaviour we need more of – hard work, savings, investment, risk-taking and entrepreneurship.
If Canada is to truly achieve its potential, then we need to take a coordinated and concerted effort to lower individual and business taxes at all levels of government."

There are problems with how they calculated Tax Freedom Day"
Here's what an Osgoode Hall Professor says about it!OpenDocument

The Fraser Institutes "research" on Taxes, Global Warming, the Tobacco Industry and Public Schools should be looked at warily until they take into account the criticisms with their experimental procedures.
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