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Old 04-19-2008, 06:02 AM
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Exclamation Contaminated or not? opinions needed

Hello all
I need some advice
as some might know, i had a house fire last week and am now dealing with insurance and replacing things that were damaged.
my question is this
in peoples opinion, is the live rock that is in the tanks are in my house contaminated and should it be replaced?
my couch burnt half up and there was alot of soot damage.
my fear is that the the soot landed in the water and has now contaminated every tank in my house.
however, I think that the tank in the basement should be fine because little smoke went downstairs.
so what do u think? do I ask for total replacement of all fish related items on the top 2 floors (where the fire and the most extensive soot damage and smoke) including the LR and livestock within?
or should I just ask for the equipment to be replaced?
the equipment in my opinion needs to be replaced without doubt because they can't clean the soot and smoke damage off without using chemicals which is of course a no - no.
my adjuster said that he would be willing at replacing everything if it is the professional's opinion that the contents of the tanks should be replaced.
thanks for the input
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