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Old 04-16-2008, 08:05 PM
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dogboy dogboy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: St. Albert
Posts: 30
dogboy is on a distinguished road

I know it would be nice to have reviews but I think it is best done in private through PM as suggested and not in the open... this topic has been discussed many a time as well.....

I love coming to this site way above any other reefing site on the web for the simple fact that it is sooooo laid back here... I do more reading then posting but the reason I stay here is that there is almost a cozy feel to this place.....some of the other bulletin boards where they have forums set up specifically for rating people you have bought/sold to/from get out of control and the bashing starts followed shortly there after by threats of law suites etc etc... It is a whole lot of drama that I would rather do without on my home site....makes for an intimidating environment... and from reading any of those vendor reviews it is all a bunch of he said she said were nothing is really accomplished.... "You suck as a seller!"
"OHHHH REALLY!!? Well you suck as a buyer!"
"OHHHH REALLLY!!!!? WELL your momma!!!"
"MY MOMMA!? Now you just gone done it!!! I'm calling the police!"

Etc etc....

That is my two cents.....FWIW
- Laudator Temporis Acti