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Old 04-09-2008, 03:06 PM
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Pan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by bassman View Post
Do you have any idea what the temperature was when you got home? Do you think it was the colder water that got them or the lack of circulation?
I'm not sure...i reset my temp controller it read only 1.5 degrees cooler than normal. Fish seem confused is what i would describe it as...the clown was swimming near the top of the tank when i looked in...he was ghost white...almost anyways....the atlantic tang usually bright yellow with blue tinge to his eyes and outer fins was white as well...but he goes white when annoyed..with black lines across his body) If it wern't for the weird behavior now...the missing clown and the dead crab i would swear i just scared the crap out of the fish...i usually don't look in on them this early...if i do i just peak in the door, I try to wait till light on. I've been through a few different tank problems and such over the years but this seems like a combination of a few things...hopefully things will settle down. I really have no choice but to wait it out. Could be a problem just snuck up on me and then bam. I'll update...hopefully with good news when i get up. I don't want to go to bed...but cannot lose my job over my tank. Dammit to hell
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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