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Old 04-09-2008, 01:31 PM
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Pan Pan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Didsbury
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Pan is on a distinguished road

Yeah tell me about it. Did a quick couple of water changes, mix quick super aerate then put it. Normally i would wait but i don't have time, work would not understand. Plus new saltwater is better than bad saltwater. At least in my experience, although i have never had a tank crash like that before...minor problems but not big ones. Naso was getting over ich it seemed, now its flared up. Gobie has calmed down and seems to be back scouring the sand...gonna do a couple more changes just to be safe. Have to make a trip in to the city for more salt at this rate..damn it to hell. Still cannot find one clownfish...don't want to move rocks as the tangs are hiding under there...don't want to stress them more. I love my little percs beautiful...looked like onyx clowns to me. Damn Damn Damn. Thats what i get for having the emergency backup plan only on paper...i should so know better by now.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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