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Old 03-21-2008, 10:09 PM
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Pan Pan is offline
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Default Weird Film on tank

Well this is a first, i have a white film on the tank that i need to scrape of with a razor...some came of in what i would describe looking like melted teflon tape. Most comes off in a whitish "dust cloud" water is very can see the particulates..looks like fine sand blowing around. I'm thinking either its the water...RO Broke...replacing as soon as i can. Or its the damn playsand in the refugium...either way i have never seen this before. Going to test water again in a minute. But since i had to do my top-ups with tap water for a week or so the damn prime/amquel messes up my readings on ammonia. Seems i'm going to have to buy a hang on to polish the water a bit...or a diatom filter...wish i could find one again.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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