Thread: Click! Click!
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Old 02-23-2008, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Starry View Post
The main reason I'm concerned in that I have read Mantis are notorius for cracking glass, heaters, ect... If it turns out to be a little pistol shrimp, great. If not....
There is a kernel of truth to this but it is not something you will need to worry about. The only mantids who can shatter glass are the big guns like large O. scyllarus or G. chiragra. The only mantids i have ever even heard of hitching in are the "little guns" who couldn't possibly muster up the force to crack glass. Unless your mantis was 5 inches longer or more, glass isn't a big deal.

have you considered keeping the mantis? they are really great aquarium pets and most are hardy enough to be near bullet proof.

if you really want to remove the thing read this.
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