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Old 02-18-2008, 08:21 PM
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GrimReefer GrimReefer is offline
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Location: Victoria, BC
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
If you dont have this basic knowledge, I would suggest against starting up a nano. Like they all said, it is way more work to keep a nano tank. I just saw that you are only 13 years old, and I may be wrong, but I don't think most 13 year olds have the discipline to keep a high maintenance tank like this.

If you feel you can do it, check out for some great information and articles.
I don't think that's really fair. I've known a few young kids that keep nanos. You can't judge a person solely on their age. People mature at different rates. I know lots of 25-30 year-olds that don't have the discipline to keep a nano.

It's funny how a lot of us reefers portray reef keeping as this near impossible feat. It does not need to be complicated, nor high maintenance. Honestly I think a larger tank is a lot more maintenance than a nano... and I'm not sure where the popular idea of the opposite comes from. Sure a larger tank is more stable and this is very important when keeping SPS. But a nano that is properly stocked can be just as healthy, with far less sweat going into water changes, glass cleaning, filter maintenance, etc.

SeaSerpent, check out as likwid suggested. It is a great site. I'll write up a simple guide to keeping a pico or nano and post or PM it to you.

Last edited by GrimReefer; 02-19-2008 at 12:16 AM. Reason: spelling
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