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Old 02-16-2008, 08:21 AM
skylord skylord is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Maple Ridge BC
Posts: 346
skylord is on a distinguished road

First two pics are probably the most important in what will end up my fish room.

Don't know how I ever got along without a wash tub.

These cupboard's are out of an old kitchen that were converted into a work bench in a sewing room. A friend asked me if I had any idea how she could get rid of them. I had then tore down and out of her house before she could change her mind.

The next photo is of Seahorse Fanatics old 100g. At this point is was my temporary housing for my 75g. I was lucky and the builder allowed me to set it up before we took possession. It was placed on the floor right in the middle of the room so of course it was in the way for ever. I thought it would become my sump but plans have changed since.

A ASM G4 was used for skimming and ended up being used a lot longer than expected.

Here is the first stand I built. Way over built but I have about $10 invested. Most of the wood was free. We were the first to live in our new neighborhood so I took advantage of the scrap piles. Only wood I bought for was the long

And a place for the 110.....

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