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Old 02-13-2008, 06:08 PM
Funkytone Funkytone is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 31
Funkytone is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
Heres what I did when I moved.
Siphon half the water out to save to the new tank (if possible, you could use less if you had to). Siphon more water out to rock tubs (this water will be disposed of later). Take water down as far as you can (remove any rock that isn't sitting on the sandbed as the water lowers but leave the rock that is on the sandbed until last). Siphon water to about 4 inches or so. Remove last of rock to rubbermaid tubs. Catch fish and either put them in a tub/bucket by themselves or with a few corals. Don't put the fish in with any larger rock or you risk dead fish with a landslide.
Is there any risk to using all new saltwater?

Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
At this point, really I would plan on ditching the sand. No matter how old it is, its full of crap and the amount of rinsing you'll have to do to even get it reasonably clean is immense. If anything is going to cause you problems down the road it will probably be the sandbed (JMO).....
Think the sand is bad even if its only 6 months old and looks pretty clean? I'd rather not buy another 60 pounds.
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