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Old 02-09-2008, 05:20 AM
b-diddy b-diddy is offline
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Location: Kelowna
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b-diddy is on a distinguished road

I guess I'll just have to check it often. With a 50 gallon tank how often would something like this be changed? I imagine it depends on how many critters you have swimming around.

I'm looking forward to getting it and trying it out. I've had my tank running for about a month without a protein skimmer and I've got a pretty good film on the top now. Hopefully this'll get rid of all the nasty bits.
Brian P.
Kelowna BC

50 Gallon Tank (Running 2 months now) with a Fluval 305 and a Coralife 65 Skimmer en route.

1 clown, 1 Mandarin Goby, 4 crabs, a sexy shrimp, some mushrooms and an enemone for the Clownfish (which he doesn't seem to be taking to)
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