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Old 02-04-2008, 07:42 PM
WuHT WuHT is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 80
WuHT is on a distinguished road

I'd just say that you should try to get your invert clean up crew in there asap... just to eliminate the possibility of them being lunch when introduced after your desired fishs have been established (i'd suggest losing the hawkfish, as inverts can be more fun..and you already have 2 fish with very deep colour (purple and red). You might have to sacrifice some fish choices if u want a clean up crew.
I've pesonally kept cleaner shrimp, a large hermit, a green bristlestar, and 2 turbosnails, so i can only speak for them :they are hardy as heck!

I'd say get some snails and at least a cleaner shrimp in there <-- most cleaner shrimp you can purchase now are very small .. and mine has grown to an inch and a half in a month, (no longer snack size). After that, you can start getting some of your desired fishes(or w/e your purp allows to live)

Last edited by WuHT; 02-04-2008 at 07:47 PM.
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