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Old 02-04-2008, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by justinl View Post
I didn't really experience any of that with my tank. If a large wrasse decides to go on a digging expedition sure it will kick up sand, but it is far from always in the column... sometimes would be a better word. Be sure to rinse the sand vigorously before hand to get rid of the smallest particles.

if you have a sand sifter/dweller you shouldnt have anything but oolitic sand anyways. BB might be okay for most benthic dwellers, but anything more coarse than oolitic calcium based sand would rip up sifters.
Yeah, was just saying if you had sand sifters it would be in the water column....with a lot of flow...i(combine the two, should have been clearer)
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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