Thread: Aiptasia
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Old 01-18-2008, 04:04 AM
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Default Aiptasia

After trying the usual Joes Juice and some other things, I honestly felt that I was never going to kill those little bastards that were growing all over my 30 gal Sea Horse tank.
Wendel gave me a bottle of "Tailored Aquatics Aiptasia Destroyer" to try so here is how it is going:

First, it comes in a powder so you have to mix in some water. Ok, "15 capfuls (75ml) of fresh water". Done (I used the cap with some brand new RO water).

First the test in my reef tank. I turned off all the flow and started to pour some of the milky goodness onto my first victim. It says to use the pipet included to give 1ml to the aiptasia (or majano)...I couldn't see any marking on the "pipet" so I just gave the biggest baddest tentacled monster a good squirt (ok, a gentle squirt...but a good one). In less than a minute there was a poof and:
Me 1: Aiptasia 0
Yes, I'm keeping score.

One of my wrasses decided to say hi and swim through the white cloud. He is still alive after several days so I guess this stuff won't kill fish that easily (at least not ones under $50).

Now onto my 30gal Seahorse tank.

At some time, my seahorses decided to become gardeners. Unfortunately they decided to grow large aiptasia. I turned off the flow and went to work.
The bottle says to not kill more than one anemone per five gallons. Taking out a calculator, that gave me an opportunity to make six kills...I could hardly wait.

Me 7: Aiptasia 0

That was three days ago and although the neighbours are back to being fully extended, I have not seen any evidence of the six evil doers. This weekend I'm going to go after the rest of them in my 30gal. I'll post if I see any come back.
220gal reef, 12gal nano reef (in office), 3dogs, 1cat, 2kids, no money.
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