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Old 12-15-2007, 08:59 PM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 210
chwkreefer is on a distinguished road

I'll bet your going through withdrawal or sellers remorse.

Yeah it's a real bummer that my disease has progressed. I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and it has spread into all four limbs. RSD is the most painful disease of chronic pain diseases. Here's the McGill Pain Index that shows that RSD also known as Causalgia is the highest Pain diseases.

I'm on so many medications and their side effects are quite bothersome too. I just had some other tests done and it looks like I've got some liver disease and will get an ultrasond next week and later possible a biopsy just to confirm just what's going on with my liver. Lately it feels like I can't catch a break. But I've got a lot of faith and I know I'm not fighting this by myself.

But I sure hope that someone will buy my tank soon as it is a bit of a stress to me. I can't look after the tank by my standards any more and it show which is horrible.

So anyone that reads this post, please pass the information around about my tank. I would really appreciate it. It really stresses me out having the tank now. . . and stress is the worst thing for my disease. I hate to part with it, but it has to be done. . . Bill

Originally Posted by Tangman View Post
Sorry to here your condition is getting worse,
If it wasn't so close to Christmas , I would be there in a snap, as I just sold my 210 a few months ago and regret doing it.
For those interested this is a Great deal ! The SPS corals are fabulous and are probably worth the two grand alone.
Bill, good luck with the sale but I know how tough it will be to see your beautiful set up go. I wish I could come up with the two grand and I'd be there
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