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Old 12-15-2007, 07:58 PM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 210
chwkreefer is on a distinguished road

Thanks for your concern. I appreciate it. The RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) is so painful and is now in all 4 of my limbs. I think I take like 13 different medications for it. I now walk with a cane full time and any walking beyond 10 minutes requires me to be in my wheelchair. The side effects of the meds suck, my weight has ballooned up too because of the medications and now I've got problems with my liver and possibly will need a biopsy. For now they are going to ultrasound it next week and go from there. Most days I can only type for 10 minutes and then my hand seizes up too much with pain to continue as well. . . . so I try to type as fast as I can.

To give you an idea of how bad the pain is with RSD. . . the McGill Pain Index ranges from zero to fifty. Here are some rankings for example:
Chronic Back Pain - 25
Childbirth - 33
Amputation of a digit - 40
RSD - 42

As of now there is no pain disease that is more painful than RSD. My specialist calls it the most nasty disease. Anyways, enough of that, but you can see why I have to call it quits with my aquarium. Boy it's gonna be hard to part with this thing. Personally I think it's a gorgeous tank and I've priced it for a quick sale.


Originally Posted by Tangman View Post
Sorry to here your condition is getting worse,
If it wasn't so close to Christmas , I would be there in a snap, as I just sold my 210 a few months ago and regret doing it.
For those interested this is a Great deal ! The SPS corals are fabulous and are probably worth the two grand alone.
Bill, good luck with the sale but I know how tough it will be to see your beautiful set up go. I wish I could come up with the two grand and I'd be there
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