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Old 12-15-2007, 05:25 PM
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justinl justinl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
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here read this. this answers most lion related question that pop up.

my suggestion is to find a fuzzy that is ALREADY eating frozens consistently. unless you're willing to try weaning and taking the risk of it not (which would mean you having to buy live all the time).

fuzzies are pretty timid, so when you get tankmates, nothing aggressive, no fin nippers and nothing smaller than the lion. that goes for pretty much any of the scorpaenids.

ive never been stung myself, but from all accounts it hurts like hell... like a bee sting but a hundred times worse. there have not been any directly related fatalities but it isnt something id want to experience. of course if you have an allergic reaction, that's a whole new bucket o potatoes. how bad the sting is depends on how much venom you get; shorter thicker spines mean more venom, so a fuzzy sting would be worse than a volitan for example. depends on species and how deep the puncture is too (there was one account where a guy actually had a spine break off in his hand!). whether or not you get stung depends on how careful you are... always keep an eye on that fish.

note: long term feeding of nothing but FW feeders like guppies will lead to a fatty liver disease. FW feeders should only be used to wean a lion. shouldnt be a long term staple food.

Last edited by justinl; 12-15-2007 at 05:28 PM.
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