Thread: Garlic :)
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Old 11-18-2007, 04:21 PM
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SeaShell SeaShell is offline
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Location: St. Albert, Alberta
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SeaShell is on a distinguished road

I can only speak from personal experience. I've kept reef tanks for about 10 years now and have seen ich too many times. I have tried many things; pulled my tank apart to Q the fish and copper them, I've tried Kick Ich in the reef tank, but the only thing that's knocked those little spots off is Garlic. SeaChem's Garlic Guard is my best friend. I'm sure it doesn't kill the parasites, but it sure removes them from my fish.

I currently have a slight ich outbreak. I caught it early and am soaking the fish food in garlic before feeding, and this morning (third day in), the spots are gone. As well, the parasites didn't afflict any but two fish in my tank.

I'm sticking to garlic. Other methods add more stress to the tank and I lose more fish with them.

Just my personal experience... I'm no scholar!
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