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Old 11-15-2007, 03:29 AM
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surgeonfish surgeonfish is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Lethbridge, AB
Posts: 284
surgeonfish is on a distinguished road

For the first 2-3 weeks, my CBB also looked non stressed and appeared to be actively looking for food mostly on the bottom. He would occasionally pick at the live rock and sand but don't think he was actually eating anything. He refused anything except blood worms. He did get pretty thin.

Besides the CBB, what else is in your tank? Do you have any aggressive eaters such as tangs that would out compete the CBB. My fish is now eating blood worms. However, he still takes his sweet time inspecting each worm before eating it. I think he will starve in my main tank with several hungry tangs and damsels.
300 gal starphire custom built in pentagon reef (+90 gal sump on Blue Line 100 HD return pump, 210lb LR, Euro-Reef RC250 skimmer, 2x400W MH, 2x28W compacts, 2xTurbelle classic 4002 pumps & Turbelle Stream 6100 on 7095 Multicontroller, running ZEOvit)

Fish: damsels; sailfin, yellow, regal & naso tangs; ocellaris & tomato clowns; lyretail anthias; foxface lo; flame angelfish
corals: a few
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