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Old 10-26-2007, 02:38 AM
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Default Frontosa, Jaguar, 3x Clown Loach

I have had all 5 of these feature fish in a 90 gallon tank for 5 years now and have raised them all since they were each babies (1inch). Now it's time for a change and a new challenge, as I am preparing to switch to a reef tank system.
As part of the commitment to myself I feel it's now time to part with them so lemme give out a bit of info on each of them. I have to really appologize my digital camera decided to just straight out stop turning on tonight even with new batteries.

Frontosa - Now 9 inches long, 7 bar, and has devloped the large hump on it's head and is ready for breading. An elegant and peaceful fish he is always the center of attention.

Jaguar - Now 7 inches long, he is the oddball of the tank. Commonly known as a predator fish, and being central american this guy isn't normally found in such community tanks. I suppose he has adapted well due to being introduced at an infant stage.


Clown Loaches - Now 4 inches long I got them all at the same time as they like to be in company of other loaches. Not sold individually sorry, must take all 3.


Once again I must repeat that these pictures are not of MY fish. I went to take some pics tonight but my camera is malfunctioning. I just found these ones on the internet to show people what they look like who might be interested.

Please reply to if interested and please make an offer on any/all fish you would like.
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