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Old 10-14-2007, 01:21 AM
X-Treme X-Treme is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Sherwood Park, AB
Posts: 200
X-Treme is on a distinguished road
Default "Snail" on my pocillopora frag...

I recently picked up a small frag of Pocillopora and just the other day I turned it around and now I have noticed that there is something that looks like a snail living on it. This snail however does not leave the poci and doesn't really look like it has a shell......more like a small short tube that it lives in attached to the poci. Reason I say it looks like a snail is the two antennae sticking out from it. I'll TRY to get a decent pic.

38 Gallon Custom Starphire, Remora Pro, 2 Seio 820's, 24" Giesemann Infiniti 1x250W MH + 4x24W T5, 60lbs Live Rock.
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