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Old 10-02-2007, 05:12 PM
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Not quite as simple as govt bad, people good. Who pays for roads, who pays for teachers etc etc. Yes, yes, they waste money but its not that simple. In a perfect world the govt wouldn't spend our money without care and consideration as to where it goes. Also in a perfect world you wouldn't work for a company that is ruining the planet, and I wouldn't drive a car that needed people to ruin the planet. And yes corporations exist for the sole purpose of making money, yeah, basic business 101. But at what price? How far should they be allowed to go? Should One or a group of shareholders be able to dictate laws to govt so it benefits them? There is a reason why the minimum wage is so low, and its not the workers. Should corporations have the same rights as an individual? Should they be allowed to get away with things that the regular folks would go jail for? I dunno about you, but last time i was 2 billion in debt the govt didn't bail me out. How can a business run without making profit for 5 or six years but still gets govt bailouts? Is it simply the govt fault for giving it to them? Should CEO's make millions because they fire people? How much is too much, there is wealth, there is obscene wealth, and then frankly there is ridiculous. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I truly wish the govt would spend wiser, but study political history around the world and you will notice it doesn't matter the platform or the party the govt will always break the promises it makes to get elected. The Tories are no better than the Liberals who are no better than the NDP, with the slight possibility of the green party being somewhat better, but focusing to exclusively on the environment to the detriment of well everything else. When does the good of all of us outweigh the greed of the bastards?
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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