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Old 09-18-2007, 10:07 PM
IceTurf IceTurf is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Alberta
Posts: 156
IceTurf is on a distinguished road

hmm, I suppose I could try those basic corals, uhh soft white corals *forgets name*, but I want to know how to best suit SpS corals in a nano tank. LoL Originally I was gonna buy live rock from a store but that is uncured and I noticed that you can get it from people such as yourselves for way cheaper plus its cured plus I don't need that much.

I've been spending a while on research....most places try to advertise their product or they don't contain enough information. Although I have gotten some good information. "fish" on this place on the web has interesting nano tanks so i'm gonna check with him how he does it.-tks for the link

Hmm, what kind of growth you got on your coral/how porous is it *going for the best live rock filter system possible here* Would live sand be any good?
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