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Old 09-07-2007, 10:58 PM
sobe sobe is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 70
sobe is on a distinguished road
Default want to drill a 65 gallon tank

I've got one of thier tank I believe it's Perfecto brand size is 36"x18"24" with a plastic brace on the middle and it has an orange sticker "Do not Drill" on the bottom of the glass.

Anyone else have own this tank and drilled the sides?
My question does the "Do not Drill" sticker on the bottom of the glass only applies to the bottom glass? Can the sides be drilled?

Right now I've built a "PVC pretzel" overflow on the tank and I've tested it for weeks with on/off timer on the return pump to simulate a power outages, so far every time it starts again the overflow still works and I didn't loose the siphon.
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