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Old 08-30-2007, 08:58 PM
aussiefishy aussiefishy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Calgary
Posts: 88
aussiefishy is on a distinguished road

I think i will share my experiences.

Last winter was the first winter for my 350 gallons in my Townhouse. The humidity is really a problem, Condensation at the windows (turns to Ice at the window sills), Fallin ceiling paint and damp clothes.... that was what happened when you have -20C outside and a humidex of 60.

I bought a De-humidifier and that helps out alot. but the bad thing is the electricity bill, without the dehumidifier the bill already reach$2XX... with it on the billi was about $45-50 dollars more/month.

i think about the exhaust fan idea, but i ask a couple friends that are in the HVAC trades about it and they all think it is dangerous, because if you have a low power fan, it will not do much. if you use a high-powered exhaust fan blowing humid air out, some air has to come back inside your house, it can either come from your freshair intake OR your furnace exhaust -- very dangerous CO poisoning, and your gas bill WILL go WAY UP due to cold air coming in.

so i was recommended by others to try a HRV - heat recovery ventilator.

this unit i bought don't cost much to setup and it will do a few things for me.

1. bring a constant supply of fresh air from outside while heat is retained.
2. build in HEPA filter helps me breath a little easier especially if you have other pets.
3. remove excess humidity.

these in turn will lower my energy bills, my doctors bill and keep your family member happier - another example would be like choosing between a air conditioner(your family memebr enjoys it TOO) or a aquarium chiller(only your fish can enjoy).

This will be my first winter with a HRV so i am not sure will it perform the way i want it to, but it certainly solve most problems encounter by me.

just a 2 cents.
check it out!
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