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Old 07-15-2007, 04:47 AM
Farrmanchu Farrmanchu is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 210
Farrmanchu is on a distinguished road

Added the Wife's small Nemo, she doesn't like him cause he nips at her. I don't mind him at all, and I got a Panda Goby to keep him company. The fish aren't posing for pics though.

I'm working on the lighting configuration before building the actual Canopy. I'm pretty sure that I've decided on the bulb placement and reflector shape..........

Independent control now, but no timers yet. The cords have switches though.........

The reflectors are made from a piece of aluminum duct, pretty shiny on the inside, but I'm gonna work on polishing them to a mirror-like finish.

Dropped some frags in to see what they would do. Now I'll be able to tell if the lighting and flow is right.

Stuff is just kinda thown in there right now, I'll figure out final placement when I see how everything does.

The Fuge side is establishing nicely.......
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