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Old 07-02-2007, 08:09 PM
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butters88 butters88 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Richmond, B.C.
Posts: 105
butters88 is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the compliments! My multibar angel did "initiate" the other angels when I first added them with a decent smacking. This only lasted a few days. After that phase, there have been no problems.

It was nice running into you the other day! I ended up buying a blue sided fairy wrasse. My girlfriend convinced me my corals weren't worth the risk with the other fish I was considering. I'm glad she was there I'll post a picture of the wrasse and flameback shortly.

I actually ran 2x250W before, however the 250w ballast on the left suddenly malfunctioned. I had to get a new ballast, so I thought I might as well get a 400W since I was transitioning towards more SPS. This look wasn't intentional, but I'm glad you enjoy it!
With regards to dosing, my CA Reactor has been offline for a few months due to a malfunction with the pump, so I've been dosing ALK and CA as needed. Besides that, I do monthly or weekly water changes, depending on my schedule.

Here is my livestock list:
3 x Dispar Anthias
Multibar Angel
Flameback Angel
Golden Angel
Atlantic Blue Tang
Mimic Eibli Tang
Yellow Tang
Pair of Gold Stripe Maroons
Algae Blenny
Blue sided Fairy Wrasse
120 gallon mixed reef
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